
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under review with another journal for consideration.
  • The Manuscript and the Cover Letter to Editors adhere to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The contact data of authors and e-mail adrresses adhere to the Submission requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Written Contributions

Papers should normally be 3,500 - 6,000 words long. Longer manuscripts may be accepted if their length is well justified. For information about the type of expected contributions, please refer to the Aims and Scope section. If in doubt, contact a member of the Editorial Board.

Multi-media Contributions

If you intend to submit multi-media content for peer review, please contact the Managing Editor. Principally, the items of the checklist below also apply for multi-media submissions.

Types of Submissions

On submission, you should indicate your type of submission. This may be adapted as a result of the journal's editorial process.

  • Essay. An argumentative essay or opinion paper that may use conceptual arguments or an empirical basis to develop ideas and formulate findings and/or insights.
  • Exchange. One or more essays that together shed light on one topic. Usually, they take the form of well-articulated critical essays, opinions and provocations, peer commentaries and responses.
  • Commentary. Insightful scholarly analyses and reports on distinct phenomena (e.g., experiences in practice, from observations, paradoxes and the like), on prototypical applications, experiments and case studies, as well as reviews and syntheses of the state-of-the-art in practice and science.
  • Review. Well-articulated critical book or article reviews.

Multi-media formats:

  • Conversation. Audio, video and/or textual materials from interviews or dialogues that focus on one or several coherent topics (published as audio/video and edited transcripts).
  • Performance. Audio, video and/or textual materials of experimental, performative or artistic form (published as audio/video and text).

Submission Checklist

Please use the list below for a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review.

  • Manuscript
    • Relevant informative title
    • Abstract up to 200 words
    • Up to 10 keywords
    • Add a "Highlights" section in front of your article that emphasizes the main findings, arguments, method or the like (max. 5 bullet points with max. 120 characters each).
    • Use numbered, multi-level section headings to structure your manuscript.
    • All figures and tables with captions and mentioned in text. Put them within the text as appropriate for reading flow.
    • All abbreviations defined the first time they appear in the text.
    • Use either footnotes or endnotes, but not both.
    • Supplementary files as appropriate
    • Graphical abstract (optional)
    • Language is English (British or American, but not mixed) or German
    • Text has been checked for spelling and grammar
    • Text has been checked and eventually proofread by a third party for the use of inclusive language
    • All references are mentioned in the reference list and text
    • Reference list formatting according to APA (use of a reference management software is encouraged)
  • Cover Letter to Editors
    • Include all authors’ contact details (e-mail address and full postal address) and indicate the corresponding author
    • Describe what your write about and what your motivation has been to do so. Explicitly articulate the specific aspect of Collective Intelligence and/or systemic principle the contribution addresses.
    • Indicate or characterize the discipline(s) and academic fields that provide for the angle(s) you use in your work as keywords. Alternatively, if you submit a practice paper, indicate the industrial or economic sectors or characterize the business area/issue you are tackling. If both does not apply, characterize the nature of your work in a comprehensive form.
    • Indicate if you want the editors to treat the submission within a double-blind peer-review process. Otherwise, the editors might handle it in an open peer review process.
    • Declare that permissions for using copyrighted material have been obtained (including Internet sources).
    • Include a statement on funding received for producing the manuscript, by stating the funding source and type of contribution. (This Funding Statement will be part of the published article).
    • Include a statement on further support received during the work. (This section corresponds to the Acknowledgements section of the published article).
    • Include a statement about competing interest, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare. In the latter case, declare: “The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.”
    • Include a statement on contributions in case of co-authorship, e.g., using the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) framework.
    • Include a statement on contributions involving direct or indirect use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, e.g., Large Language Models. For instance, whether AI has supported editorial preparation (wording, tone etc.); finding/formulating the research question or hypotheses; data collection; data preparation, analysis, interpretation or evaluation/assessment; etc. 
    • Include a statement on other papers, both published, or in the peer-review process, of all of the co-authors, that are close to or that repeat statements of the submitted manuscript.
    • Provide suggestions for peers who can act as reviewers (include e-mail addresses, profile URL, affiliation, and an indication whether this person has acted as co-author of one of the authors previously).
    • Provide suggestions for peers who can critically evaluate and respond to the submission (if applicable).
  • Submission
    • Submit your materials using the journal’s submission system. Link: TBD
    • For all co-authors of a paper, only institutional e-mail addresses and contact data are permitted.
    • Indication of the ORCHID ID of all co-authors is obligatory.
    • For queries about your submission, please contact the Managing Editor.



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